For those who would ask whether they are "too broken" or "unworthy" to step foot into a church, the community of Clear Lake Texas has answered them. This blog features hundreds of postcards from individuals within the church and the community who have anonymously shared their deeply personal issues with the world. Hopefully this will begin to provide some dialogue and understanding that the church exists explicitly for the broken and unworthy. Everyone has challenges which they have to face. Hopefully we will realize that we need to be more open and intentional about reaching out to those around us... even if it's just by sharing our story.

(Be sure to check out the “Blog Archive” on the right to view previous posts. Click any image to enlarge)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Third Set

We are up to 176 Cards... words cannot express the power of what is happening here.  Read for yourself.

The above states: (Front) "Survivors guilt from Vietnam.  Why did I live and my Buddy DID NOT?"    (Back) "He was such a better man than me!"

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